March 1, 2025
Texas, USA
Now That Something Is Actually Being Done
March 1, 2025
Since the November election victory of President Trump, this country, has not seen so much actually being done with good planning in Washington D.C., at any prior time. The effectiveness, of the Trump Administration, makes all the previous administrations look ridiculously inept for such a prestigious national office and world leadership role. The world has taken notice as the nation welcomes good leadership in OUR President. The cabinet he has chosen so far, brings those into the White House, people who truly care about the nation and all citizens, impartially. They are ALL under oath to the U.S. Constitution in what they do while in that office.
The country needs to realize, that such responsibility as each Cabinet post may carry, will have a short period of adjustment, by all in each department. Trump however is not likely to be very patient, about non-
Most of the remainder of this article to be in an audio file, for those more esoteric concepts and/or legally boring specifics, when I finish writing it. This page will continue to provide layman’s ENGLISH for those not fluent in GEEK SPEAK and LEGAL “pig latin” aka LAWYER SPEAK I have left a test file in the spot for it.
To be continued……God willing.
March 16, 2025
Talking the Talk Truthfully
When I graduated from high school, the Viet Nam War, was still raging in the jungles of Southeast Asia. Many of the kids I had come to know over the last six years, along with me, had suddenly had the politicians, “putting the pedal to the metal” as we were “stripped” of the last three years of our childhood. And suddenly “legislatively declared” “OLD ENOUGH TO VOTE”. Legal drinking ages were the “NEXT” premeditated move in the THESIS -
In retrospect of those years, we were being made “pawns” in a much more complex game of “GLOBALISM” being thrust upon the world in HEATED RESISTANCE to the EVILS of MARXISM and all the various fraudulently deceptive tentacles of it. All that replete with the illicit drugs, sexual & other carnal temptations and seductions of the era, compulsive gambling, murders, assassinations, and other bloated words. All part of major Marxist/Communist planks specifically designed to confuse the minds of everyday ordinary people trying to find stability and safety with which to create a stable home life for themselves and their children.
We were way too young, for all the false reality in the minds of those, NOT directly affected. It is by the Grace of God, that I am alive today, and not to have been thrust in life and death situations ALL WARS cause. It is not a judgement on those who were, but God knows I didn’t want to be PUT in a situation, that forced me to have to take the life of another human being. Patience, trust, truthful and sincere communications in our diversity of languages, are in dire need by all nations, in 2025.
The END of WWII & PEACE, finally
March 17th, 2025 update
Damages done by WWII
In historical review: The globalists schemes, plots and treacheries, can be found in the pages of history under different groups and titles of this and that. The motivating factors are always the money and political CONTROL. The founders of the USA knew this, which is WHY safeguards were written into the USA constitution, in OUR three phase system using Citizens’ sovereignty to prevent dictators and other type TYRANTS from full singular control of the states and united States and other devilish tactics, seen used against US as a NATION by some European nations.
There is no mistake about the Vested EXECUTIVE Power of President Trump. His American Citizens first policy is proper and true to his oath of office. The “snares” to that office, “booby trapped” legislatively are numerous. Obama, is likely the “remote control mastermind” behind all “the transgression of high powers DELEGATED” found and witnessed in the Biden Administration. Aid and comfort crimes VIA such corporate entities as “The Clinton Foundation”, Democratic Party Inc., Certain financial institutions linked in active funding for their “chain conspiracies of treason and fraud”, and numerous heinous acts yet to be discovered and/or prosecuted to the FULLEST extent of the law.
I, in my personal research to comprehend, Having done some research on the Obama rise to power, this paragraph of analysis, should be considered an “analytical GUESS”. Such is not solely for the FBI, but for all law enforcement sworn to the USA Constitution to thoroughly seek accurate facts in proper context of time, place, and subject matter jurisdiction. Most average citizens do not have the financial ability for such enforcement investigations, but are probably watching closely now.
When President Monroe, wrote the “Monroe Doctrine”, he did so with the help and insight of former President Thomas Jefferson. Since the 1820 or so Independence of Mexico, FROM SPAIN, Jefferson and Adams and Madison, all then alive, had the vantage point of experience of HOW European Monarchies, etc, were trying to stir up trouble for us both militarily and economically. England, France and Spain all three were part of the ceremony of “the Treasurer of the Holy Roman Empire” King George III of England, The French killed their King and replaced him with idiots, which led to repeated chaos in France till De Gualle in WWII. Spain was replaced by Fascist Spanish leader Francisco Franco, who during WWII was of resistance to Fascists Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler. So the trail of wicked (and/or vain, ignorant, powerful and/or unstable weak leaders, etc.) has plagued the violent history of Euro/Asia for at least a thousand years. Dead disincarnate spirits, filled with hate, vengenance, wrongfully using the name of God and Jesus to attempt to justify the their evil ways and evil plans.
The “astral plane” has far too many spiritually ignorant souls on it without compounding the problem with more wars. Pray for peace, and mean it. God loves his children, so should you, so there is hope for life for them.
The Preceding WWII Decades and Centuries
(These subjects now in research and/or review)
Previously in the European Wars 1500 -
The Pirate is Knighted
Whether Drake was a pirate or not is going to vary, depending on who you ask. There is no mistake his role in English history, with Queen Elizabeth I is definitely documented in various “perspectives historically”. His role against the Spanish Armada, history book text in many nations. The FACTS, can get rather “fuzzy”, depending on whose books you read. Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, J.Q. Adams, and Andrew Jackson all had British connections and likely British history in their brains.
Apple Dictionary says:
Drake, Sir Francis | dreɪ |
(c. 1540–96), English sailor and explorer. In his ship the Golden Hind he was the first Englishman to circumnavigate the globe (1577–80). He also played an important part in the defeat of the Spanish Armada.
The US State Department importance”
First U.S. Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson
Jefferson was trained in both, Latin and French and the usual English language classes in his education years, which tutored him for College at William and Mary College in Virginia. Latin was typically used in those years as an alternative language for diplomats to use.
The League of Nations and the rise of the Council of Foreign Relations
Goldman Sacs and the rise of the Federal Reserve System of 1900 -
The “Chain of EVENTS marked by Gold Panics” -
Energy Monopolies
Space and Satellites
To be continued, God willing ………….
March 16, 2025
WITH Understanding (brings trust)
or without (wastes time) ?